58 Positioning
© 2010-2011 Nokia. All rights reserved.
The coordinates in the GPS are expressed
using the international WGS-84
coordinate system.
and from the following:
New landmark — Create a new
landmark. To make a positioning request
for your current location, select
. To select the location from the
map, select
Select from map
. To enter the
position information manually, select
Enter manually
Edit — Edit or add information to a saved
landmark (for example, a street address).
Add to category — Add a landmark to a
category in Landmarks. Select each
category to which you want to add the
Send — Send one or several landmarks to
a compatible device. Your received
landmarks are placed in the Inbox folder
in Messaging.
You can sort your landmarks into preset
categories, and create new categories. To
edit and create new landmark categories,
open the categories tab, and select
Edit categories